Friday, May 29, 2009

Collapse of US economy

The new buzz words floating the internet and media recently are Hyperstagflation, pessimism porn, apocalypse now already, the death of Keynesianism, bankster bailout, the evil Illuminati federal reserve bank etc. etc.
By now those in the know have a decent grasp of how things are gonna turn out, either Obama is going to have to tell the fed to raise short term interest rate on T bills first to 6% then eventually the 15 to 20 percent, in ordcer to get the Arabs, the Chinese and europeans to keep buying our debt or hes gonna keep interest rates artificially low and hyper inflate the currency. My guess is he will do the latter. Even with inventories of crude at record highs and falling demand, oil is making a big comeback as of today it is around 64 dollars a barrel from a low in january of 32 dollars a barrel, , if you listen to the more mainstream news orginizations such as the venreable NY Times or the various "official news websites, Suchas Yahoo AOL and others the reason for the uptick in oil has to do with investors seeing the "green shoots: of the economy on the horizon and want to cash in on the 6% increase in GDP theat the Lala land obama administration thinks is going to happen, of course this is not only ridiculous but more likely a flat out lie. There is no way that any one with a sound graps of how an economy works could possibly think this rise in oil price is due to investor confidance, Unemploymant continues to rocket upward, housing prices continue to plummet and businesses are continuing to contract in real terms. This uptick is the begining of the Hyperstagflationary policy of the fedreal reserve, we will see in the coming 6 months real inflation starting this month at 20 % than by next november it will probably be at 60-70% per month, and this is only the begining folks,
Just today I went to the Famous Nathan's hot dogs in Coney Island and ordered a Cheeseburger meal only to find out that the soft drink is no longer included in the meal, this was a shock and only cemented my fears of the begining of the end of the Anglo American Empire, because when inflation takes hold businesses would rather not raise the price and give less than raise the price and give the same, I also noticed that the 99 cent bag of doritoes used to be about 450 caloires last year this time now it is a 280 calories this means they have reduced the amount of chips in the bag by 38 percent which is the eqiuvalent of a 38 percent rise in price in less than one year, folks when you buy your goods pay attention to the serving size and calorie count not kust the price, because i suspect things are gonna get a whole lot worse

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